Technotools (Chestnut CD-ROM)(1993).ISO
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DOS Batch File
151 lines
echo off
echo ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
echo │ Unzip and then zip again a .zip file to remove -av label │
echo │ By Prof. Timo Salmi, ts@chyde.uwasa.fi, Wed 10-Jul-1991 │
echo └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
rem Advanced trick: If you want to use filecards after all use:
rem for %f in (*.zip) do call rezip %f
rem You must have MsDos 3.30 or later to use this trick
rem If no parameters then give the instructions
if "%1"=="" goto _help
rem Check that the zip file exists
if not exist %1 goto _nofile
rem Check that the ask.exe program is available
set _found=
if exist ask.exe set _found=yes
for %%d in (%path%) do if exist %%d\ask.exe set _found=yes
if "%_found%"=="yes" goto _isunzip
echo Timo's enhancer ask.exe must be at path or in the current directory
goto _out
rem Check that the pkunzip.exe program is available
set _found=
if exist pkunzip.exe set _found=yes
for %%d in (%path%) do if exist %%d\pkunzip.exe set _found=yes
if "%_found%"=="yes" goto _ispkzip
echo pkunzip.exe must be at path or in the current directory
goto _out
rem Check that the pkzip.exe program is available
set _found=
if exist pkzip.exe set _found=yes
for %%d in (%path%) do if exist %%d\pkzip.exe set _found=yes
if "%_found%"=="yes" goto _chk_r
echo pkzip.exe must be at path or in the current directory
goto _out
rem Check that there is a r: drive available
if not exist r:\nul goto _noram
rem Make a temporary directory
if not exist r:\tmp$$$\nul md r:\tmp$$$
if not exist r:\tmp$$$\*.* goto _test
echo The auxiliary directory r:\tmp$$$ is not empty
ask Delete the files (y/n)? /d /u
if errorlevel==89 if not errorlevel==90 goto _del
if errorlevel==78 if not errorlevel==79 goto _out
goto _ask1
rem Delete files from r:\tmp$$$
del r:\tmp$$$\*.*
goto _isempty
rem Test archive integrity
pkunzip -t %1
if errorlevel==1 goto _unziperr
ask Old %1 will be deleted, ok (y/n)? /d /u
if errorlevel==89 if not errorlevel==90 goto _pkunzip
if errorlevel==78 if not errorlevel==79 goto _out
goto _ask2
rem Unzip the .zip archive
pkunzip %1 r:\tmp$$$
if not exist r:\tmp$$$\*.zip goto _ask3
echo Warning: There are .zips within %1
ask Insert e:\arczip\comment.txt as zip comment (y/n)? /d /u
if errorlevel==89 if not errorlevel==90 goto _com_yes
if errorlevel==78 if not errorlevel==79 goto _com_no
goto _ask3
rem Check that the comment.txt file program is available
if exist e:\arczip\comment.txt goto _with_com
echo e:\arczip\comment.txt not found
echo Adjust the path as necessary
goto _out
rem Delete and make a new .zip archive with zip comment
del %1 > nul
pkzip -br:\ -mu -o -z %1 r:\tmp$$$\*.* < e:\arczip\comment.txt
goto _rd
rem Delete and make a new .zip archive without zip comment
del %1 > nul
pkzip -br:\ -mu -o %1 r:\tmp$$$\*.*
goto _rd
pkzip -v %1
rd r:\tmp$$$
goto _out
rem Error messages
echo File %1 not found
goto _out
echo Error in %1
goto _out
echo You must have a (ram)disk available as drive r:
goto _out
echo ┌──────────────┐
echo Usage REZIP FileName │ No wildcards │ (paths are ok)
echo └──────────────┘
echo Since someone cracked the pkzip 1.10 authenticity (-av) code some BBSes
echo have been putting in their own ads as the authenticity labels. The
echo purpose of this batch is to remove these labels, which may give the
echo users a false sense of security.
echo Note that any .zips within the .zip will not be cleaned.
echo You will need the following shareware and PD programs to use this batch.
echo They are available from good BBSes or from garbo.uwasa.fi by anonymous ftp.
echo ASK.EXE from TSBAT26.ARC
echo Advanced trick for MsDos 3.30+: To use wildcards apply:
echo for #f in (*.zip) do call rezip #f (# stands for ascii 37)
echo If you get an "Out of environment space" message, increase your
echo environment space by using shell configuration in config.sys:
echo MsDos 3.30 example: shell=c:\bin\command.com /e:1024 /p
goto _out
set _found=
echo on